The Rhinologist – Issue 1/2022

Published on 13/09/2022

Articles in this issue: 8

The Rhinologist ISSN: 2531 – 9299

Editorial Board

Journal Editorial Chief: Matteo Castelnuovo

Journal Scientific Chief: Alberto Macchi, Matteo Gelardi, Paolo Castelnuovo, Frank Rikki Canevari

Administrator and Secretary: PSA&CF SRL

Editorial Staff: Veronica Seccia, Maurizio Bignami

Web Designer – Imaging and Marketing Chief: Camilla Czaczkes

Reviewer Chief: Ignazio La Mantia, Federico Sireci

International Scientific Board: Basile Landis (Switzterland), Mohammed Khalfan Said Alwashahi (Oman), Iordanis Konstantinidis (Greece)

Articles in this issue

Each article can be downloaded by clicking on its title – the article will be opened in a new tab.

1. Endoscopic sinus surgery treatment for a right frontal-ethmoid-maxillary mucocele complicated by an homolateral preseptal cellulitis – S. Margherini, G. Gravante, M. Piccinno, F. Barbieri, L. Volpi, M. Bignami

2. Indication and limits in frontal sinus surgery: decision criteria – G. Gravante, A. Gandolfi, M. Piccinno, F. Di Pierro, L. Volpi, M. Bignami

3. A singular case of frontal meningoencephalocele associated a with lhermitte-duclos syndrome – G. Gravante, M. Piccinno, L. Volpi, M. Bignami

4. The frontal sinus surgery history – A. Macchi, M. Bignami

5. Post-traumatic anterior skull base defect in a paediatric patient – G. D’Aleo Canova, F. De Bernardi, M. Bignami, P. Castelnuovo, P. Battaglia

6. Evaluation of the reduction of nasopharyngeal viral load Secondary to the use of nasal irrigations using the nasir © system In patients with sars-cov-2: preliminary studies – G. Gelardi, D. Loconsole, R. Giancaspro, C. Santomasi, M. Cassano, M. Chironna, G. Carpagnano Elisana

7. Nasal cytology and respiratory tract infections: an observational study on 1004 children – M. Gelardi, R. Giancaspro, G. Campa, F. Bortugno, Z. Rotunno, P. Luperto, E. Salzo, M. Cassano

8. Orbital abscess as a complication of acute sinusitis: a case report – G. Monti, M. Valentini, G. Dalfino, M. Bignami